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3 Ways to Make Sure Your Wallet Messages Are Received

Ariana Layton
March 7, 2024

Crypto wallet messaging serves as a powerful tool for connecting web3 users — only if the recipient actually receives the message.

But, how can you ensure that your customers are truly viewing the content you send to their crypto wallet?

Fear not — I'll unveil the three top practices for making sure your customers receive the valuable information you send to their XMTP inbox.

1. Announce You Will be Communicating via a New Channel

For starters, it's crucial to inform your community of the introduction of a new messaging channel. 

By raising awareness, your audience won't be caught off guard because they will be familiar with the new idea.


Familiarity goes hand in hand with trust. When users know about the new messaging channel and its purpose, there's a higher likelihood that they won’t deem the message as spam. 

Additionally, posting about it encourages user participation. Think of the announcement as a friendly invitation for users to get involved. By giving them a heads-up about the new channel, you're nudging them to explore wallet messaging and actively engaging them with your brand.

Announcing that you’ll be using a new messaging channel isn't just about sharing information it's about building familiarity and promotion. After all, no one trusts a random email from an unfamiliar address delivered to their inbox without any context.

If you want to reference a great example, check out how Coinbase Wallet announced their partnership with XMTP Labs, enabling wallet messaging for all web3 users. 

2. Use an ENS Domain to Prove Your Identity 

Similarly to receiving unsolicited messaging, web3 users will be hesitant to open a wallet message notification if they don’t recognize the wallet address. 

Thankfully, your customers don’t have to memorize your 42-character wallet address. Instead, you can register for an ENS domain with the Ethereum Name Service — a distributed domain name service (DNS) built on Ethereum. 

ENS translates user-friendly names such as 'holderxyz.eth' into a publicly accessible Ethereum address (0x437316b9A71E183D4097409438C5F8A8F27c0F33). 

ENS domains not only eliminate the need to memorize a lengthy 42-character wallet address but also offer a distinctive on-chain brand touchpoint. Follow these steps to register for a branded ENS domain.

For instance, Bud Light made headlines by acquiring the beer.eth ENS domain for 30 ETH in 2021. Numerous brands, Holder included, leverage .eth addresses for branding and promotional activities. As a best practice, your ENS domain should mirror your website domain. 

When your audience is confident they can trust the sender of the wallet message, they are way more likely to read the message you sent. 

3. Set Up Inbound Programs Where People Expect to Receive a Message

 After following the previous tips above, you can start setting up inbound programs. 

By implementing such programs, you create a structured and recognizable channel for your communications, fostering trust and credibility. 

An example of this would be collecting consent from users who want to receive your wallet messaging communications. You can do this by using a web3 form or text-in campaigns to collect wallet addresses and build up your subscriber list. 

When we kicked off our wallet messaging newsletter, we posted a link to our web3 form to give our audience the chance to raise their hand if they wanted to receive our messaging. This allowed our customers to willingly join our mailing list and have control over their communication preferences. Anyone can also opt into our newsletter by texting ‘join’ to holderxyz.eth.

Empowering your users to express interest and grant consent contributes to a deeper sense of trust in your brand, as well. 

By following these simple yet effective practices, you can sleep easy, knowing that your customers are receptive to your wallet messaging campaigns. 

Sign up for a free Holder account to use web3 forms and start sending wallet messages to your community today! 

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